Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It has been a year...

Since I saw you for the first time...and fell madly in LOVE!!

On February 5h, 2008, I was celebrating my own birthday!! I was getting Vaiden ready for swim school and I knew the baby I had been carrying for 9 months, was a little excited that day. Michael was in Memphis in a meeting, so I called to tell him to be on stand by. I met my mom and sister at Maley's and I knew then, that the baby would be born that day. I had a doctor's appointment that afternoon, so I kept putting off calling the doctor. Lunchtime came and I threw some sushi down my throat and then headed to the doctor's office (by this time I was really hurting). When the doctor checked me, I was 5cm. I called Michael crying...he had a 3 hour drive...I was scared he wouldn't make it. My sister drove me to the hospital and once the epidural came, all we did was wait. The baby was fine, I was fine, and Michael was on his way driving 96mph down I-55. He did get pulled over, but thankfully the cop believed his story and allowed him to keep going. Michael made it to the hospital and 30 minutes later, our second child was born!! Michael annouced to all our friends and family that Whitten Colby Ellis was here. Whitten was the best birthday gift I ever had!!

This year has flown by!! Whitten has rolled over, crawled, and sat up around the average months. Although, he did start walking early...around 91/2 months. He is an explorer!! He thinks he is big like his brother. He idolizes his big brother!! He is a tough little guy...If he falls or bumps his head, he doesn't cry long. He is a great sleeper!! He is a great eater...He will eat pretty much anything you put on his tray. He has such a sweetness about him!! He has the most beautiful big, brown eyes!! He knows his own name. He waves bye bye and smiles!! He plays patty cake and smiles, too!! He loves dogs and points and says "DA". (We know that means dog!!) He says "da da" all the time. He says "Mama", but not much. He loves ballons and balls. He is a cuddler. He picks up books then backs up...he wants you to put him in your lap to read. He has the sweetest makes you want to eat him up!! He gives out kisses with his mouth wide open!! He is a "Mama's Boy"!!
We love you Whitten...Happy First Birthday!!


Amy said...

I can't believe a year has already come and gone. I remember calling you on your birthday and you said let me call you back later b/c I am snuggling with Vaiden. Next thing I know you are in the hospital having Whitten. Can't believe that Toby will be there in 2 1/2 weeks! Time flies...Happy Happy Birthday to YOU and Whitten.

The Bonds Family said...

Wow! That is the best birthday present! Thanks for sharing your sweet story. He is so adorable. Happy birthday to both of you! How is it that you look so beautiful right after giving birth? That's not fair!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday to Whitten and to you!! Hope yall had a great day!

Elder Family said...

happy birthday Whitten!! Happy Birthday to you too Elizabeth!! I hope both of you have a wonderful day! Miss You

The Hutto Family said...

Happy Birthday Elizabeth & Whitten!