(Katharine, Whitten, Melissia, Vaiden, Sittie, G-Daddy, Abe, and I)
(G-Daddy, Whitten, Vaiden, and Abe)
To most families Thanksgiving means good food, family, and football. Well, in my household it also includes Hunting!! We spend Thanksgiving Day with the Ellis' and then I bring the boys to Canton to visit my parents. My moms younger brother(16yrs younger), Chad, and his family usually come up on Friday. Chad and his oldest son, Bobby, meet Michael at the hunting cabin, and my aunt, Melissia and their youngest son(6 yrs old), Abe, come play with us. Vaiden and Abe love playing together. They are at great ages to really enjoy playing!!
The Canton square puts on a wonderful Christmas experience for the entire family. My parents love to go more than my kids!! They honestly talked about it all year round:) We went again this year and it was alot of fun. This was Whitten's first year to go and he had a blast. He rode the "new" ride with G-Daddy and the boys. He even rode the carousal with his Aunt K. It was so cute watching him because he held on tight like the big boys!!
We had a great time and hope to go back before they pack up for another year...
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